8.30 am - Registration
9.00 am – 10.30 am
Overview of Islamic of Financing Concepts
Debt Financing
Detailed explanation
about the concepts of Debt Financing – BBA, Murabahah, Istisna’, Ijarah Muntahiah Bit-Tamlik (“IMBT”),
Salam, Inah, Qardhul Hasan.
Equity Financing
Detailed explanation about the concepts of Equity Financing – Mudharabah & Musyarakah.
10.30 am
– 10.45 am - Morning Break
10.45 am
– 1.00 pm
Islamic Financing Concepts
explanation about other concepts – Wakalah, Kafalah, Sarf, Wadiah, Rahn, Bai’, Dayn, Muzayadah, Hibah, Ibra’/
Muqasah, Ittifaq Dhimni, Sukuk, Sanadat, Ujr.
How These Concepts Are Used In Islamic Corporate Financing
Application to Corporate Requirements – Project Financing, Working capital financing, retail
financing, syndication, consumer financing and personal financing.
Applications of Musyarakah & Mudharabah principles in share & project financing
q Case study in Share financing;
q Case study in Project financing;
q Other case study.
Note: Please bring along Calculator.
pm – 2.00 pm – Lunch
2.00 pm - 3.15 pm
of Islamic Financing Legislations
Being Islamic in a civil law environment
Contradicting Syariah contradicts Islamic Banking Act and BAFIA as amended
for Islamic Banking. Complying with Syariah is required by law
and summary of precedent facility documentation
For Islamic Project Financing, Asset Acquisition, Working Capital Facilities,
Bridging & End Finance and Syndications under concepts of BBA, Istisna’, Murabahah, Ijarah. Inah, Ijarah Muntahiah
Bit-tamlik, Wakalah, Musyarakah and Mudharabah
3.15 –
3.30 – Afternoon Break
3.30 –
5.00 pm
Examination and summary of precedent
security documentation
Syariah compliant Specific Charges,Debentures, Memorandum
of Deposits, Joint and Several Guarantees of Directors, Corporate Guarantees Trust Deeds, Agency Agreements, Security Sharing
Agreement, Application of Proceeds clauses. Avoidance of interest clauses
Special Syariah Requirements in Islamic Financing Documents
Why and what are Financing Payable Accounts,and Notional Marginal Deposit Accounts?, Ta’widh, Which are
the akad clauses Protecting the akad clauses, Avoiding drafting a conditional sale, Where to place conditions precedents clause,
where to place Redemption and Ibra’ clauses. Affirmative akad clauses Special requirements of Murabahah akad.
.5.00 pm – End
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